
Buildings Insurance

The Association is responsible for effecting and keeping in force the buildings insurance cover for the block, this will be the re-instatement value.

The premium applicable to your property is calculated as set out in Schedule 4 of your terms and conditions contained in your Statement of Services.

The details of Building Insurance Policy for the current year is

Insurance Company – Allianz Insurance Plc
Insurance Broker (your contact) – Bruce Stevenson Insurance Brokers

If you have an insurance claim, please contact Amanda McKenzie. The Association will not submit insurance claims on behalf of owners. Any decisions on whether a claim is settled or not is the responsibility of the insurer and not the Association.

Any changes to the insurance cover/premium will be communicated to you in writing on an annual basis.

Please note that owners living in the tenements or multi storey blocks cannot opt out of the Association’s block buildings insurance.

Renzo Mazzolini Thistle HA 2018 5


If you are selling your property, we will work with your solicitor to provide you with your final account and any other information required.

If you have any questions regarding the sale of your property, please contact our Factoring Department.

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